Sequential wax up

Sequential wax up Sequential wax up according to Professor Rudolf Slavicek’s technique is a prosthetic product planning that considers all the functional guides and the dental contacts, and even the possible prosthesis abrasion [...]

Total removable prosthesis protocol

Protocol for the realisation of the total removable prosthesis according to professor R. Slavicek’s method. After having stabilised the patient at articular level with a verticalisation bite as pre-therapy, we can start to [...]

Bite plate (splint) – Myorelaxing

Bite plate (splint) – Myorelaxing Bite or splints We usually do bite or myorelaxant splints on patients, who present strong occlusal wears caused by grinding (bruxism) or on clenching patients or with [...]

Cephalometric tracing

Cephalometric tracing The cephalometric tracing is a test that is often used in orthodontics, but not so much in prosthesis. Following Professor R. Slavicek’s technique, this test becomes very important as it can [...]

Occlusal plane

Occlusal plane e determine the occlusal plane combining the incisal edge of the lower first incisor and the distobuccal cusp of the lower first molar. The average value of the occlusal plane inclination is [...]